Tuesday, December 11, 2012

World War II

I have read about one short story. The short story I have read is about one Germany ship was into fiord in Norway. When this ship was into the Norwegian fiord then there came three British ships. The names of the ships are Leutzo, and Tirpitz. 'X-Craft'. This ships was built to sink the Germany ship.   

here is the link to the story i have read:

Christmas tree in England

Every year give Norway one big Christmas tree to England. This big Christmas tree is at Trafalgar Square in London. The Christmas tree is a gift from Norway to England. Norway gives the tree because England helps Norway to be free from the Germany in the World War II. Norway gives the first Christmas tree in 1947. Today has Norway gives total 64 Christmas trees. When this Christmas tree shall cut down it is a tradition as Oslo and London mayor shall cut the tree down together.
It more than Oslo as gives Christmas tree to other cities in other countries. Bergen gives tree to Newcastle. Trondheim gives tree to Hamburg.